Redact, Slice, Paint. For this piece I masked the postcard and used spray paint to create a redacted look by using the words in a literal way. I included the mask as it has become like an interesting negative created by the process.

Redact, Paint, Layer

Re-arrange, Cut, Edit. These words were supplied on a single page taken from a science book. I chopped them up then arranged them to have a visual rhythm. When read in this arrangement the repetition seems rhythmic too.

Slice, Organise, Stick.

This is a digital visual interpretation of the previous collage. I decided to concentrate just on the words; Electric fire, Red traffic light, Neon street sign, Tungsten filament bulb. I layered them over each other adjusting opacity and fill to get the desired effect.

Slice, Remove, Layer. This image seems somehow eerie. The patriotic crowd wearily clapping into the void, applauding nothing. The text which could be a list of ailments of a sick society.