This is St.Andrew's Gardens were I was born. All of my family lived in or around the 'Bullring' or 'Bully' as it was known. The Bully was a place of great community. It is were I remember hearing music most as a child. I can remember my uncle Jimmy sticking his speakers out of the window and blasting out Pink Floyd or Can into the surrounding area to the whoops and shrieks of passing kids! The pig floating is a nod to Pink Floyd and Jimmy's nickname, 'Piggy'.

These are the gates of Princes Park in Toxteth. My friends and I used to go here in the summers to listen to new music and trade records. with the Rastas. This is were i met my friend Stephen who I still Dj with now and then.

One evening down at 'Prinny Gates', my friend Stephen turned up with a paper bag of 7" records for me. I didn't have a turntable of my own at that point but instead of playing them I'd have to settle for just getting them out to look at the labels and read the titles, imagining what sounds they held. I wouldn't have to wait long as i played a couple of weekly slots down at a local hang out called The Magnet. These would fit in perfectly for our Reggae sundays called 'Rockers to Rockers'.

Sunday came round and I was itching to play the records Stephen had given me earlier that week. When we got to the club, Charlie (another deejay) was busy on the decks so I sorted through my records and got ready for my turn, eager to hear these 'deadly' tunes for the first time and witness their affect on the dance floor.

Soon my turn came around and I placed the stylus onto the first selection. The place went MAD! Stephen was right these records were indeed 'deadly'.

This poster is to celebrate my love of sound systems, music, deejaying and friendship with my mate Stephen. This happened in my home town, Liverpool, with like minded local people i met through mutual love of music, deejaying and sound system culture.